Parish Office : 0121 550 1158
Traidpoint Shop and St John's Cafe
Opening hours from January 2024
Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
10.30 am – 12.30pm
Serving refreshments
Enjoy a fair-trade hot drink, with a complimentary fair-trade biscuit, for £1

The volunteer-run Churches Together Halesowen Tradepoint shop located within St John’s offers a wide range of fair-trade and fairly traded goods, including a variety of foods, household cleaning products and a changing selection of craft items. Following the closure of Traidcraft plc in 2023, we source goods from several companies, including Ethical Superstore, Equal Exchange, We Are Fair Trade and Namaste. If you are intersted in ordering goods through Traidpoint, please contact the Shop Manager via tpoint4af@outlook.com
We are committed to supporting fair trade producers in the global south. We aim to meet our costs rather than make a large profit so you will pay a reasonable price for the products we sell. Donations get fed back into development work, through Transform Trade.
St John's Shop
Within the Tradepoint shop, you will also find St John's shop which sells gifts, candles, prayer cards, greeting cards, pens, souvenirs, and a guide book to the church to raise vital funds for this historic place of worship. Income from the cafe is also used to support the work of St John's.